REVIEW: Darphin Hydraskin Rich vs Hyrdaskin Light

Darphin is a skincare brand formulated with plant essence’s and packaged luxuriously. I had never tried anything until a lovely consultant at Space NK introduced me to their Hydraskin Light Gel Cream and enthused about it being her absolute favourite – she then demonstrated and quickly gave her my money.

I’m absolutely obsessed with gel based creams as I avidly used and completely finished two pots of Neutrogenas Hydo Boost Gel Cream, which is a great affordable alternative, though every once in a while a splurge in the luxury skincare department is the best thing you can do for your skin.

After finishing an entire pot of the Hyrdaskin Light I repurchased it at my nearest John Lewis and absentmindedly picked up their Hydraskin Rich *rolls eyes*. I was disappointed but at the same time curious to see if I would like it so I decided not to go back and exchange it (lowkey was being lazy). Both are an absolute dream contained in sturdy, luxury packaging that screams classy.

The Hyrdaskin Rich is recommended for normal to dry skin. I tend to use this is the evening or if I was having a makeup free day as I found that my makeup didn’t blend well on-top as it takes a little longer to absorb. In the evening, I love massaging it onto my skin! I go to sleep to the gorgeous scent of the shea butter and mango extracts and wake up with glowy, hydrated skin.

The Hydraskin Light is recommended for normal to combination skin and absorbs so well into my skin and leaving a smooth, hydrated base for my foundation application. The texture is lighter and the sensation feels much cooler. I love that it makes my skin feel hydrated all day, even in the colder months which is fast approaching.

(Left: Hydraskin Rich - Right: Hydraskin Light)

Out of the two, the Hydraskin Light is 100% my favourite due to the light-weight texure and the refreshing feeling that lasts all day. At £38.00 for 50ml, it lasted me around 4-5 months when used once a day. I would 100% recommend this for all skin types if you’re wanting to splurge on something a bit more high-end.

I’d love to try more Darphin product’s! Let me know if you have any recommendations.

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